domingo, 4 de fevereiro de 2018

Northeast January-3 2018 is ending today! :(

And today, Northeast January-3 2018 is ending! :(

Awesome trip! We will miss everyone! We're happy we all had a great time together! It's time to thank all the exchange students, Coordinators, guides, drivers and suppliers; as well as Rotary Officers, Chairs, families and host families - thanks for the support!
See you all in South American's coming!

sábado, 3 de fevereiro de 2018

Rio - Angras

Después del desayuno nos fuimos a una de las playas más famosas del mundo. Estuvimos en la Copacabana por tres horas. Después salíamos para Angra dos Reis. Tuvimos tiempo libre para entrar el mar, ir con el kayak o hacer otras actividades del hotel.
Terminábamos el día con la última fiesta de este viaje.

After breakfast we went to the famous Copacabana beach. After three hours there we continued the trip to Angra dos Reis. We had free time in the hotel to make one of the activities like kayak, swimming and more.
The day ended with our last party.

~ Zeno

Rio de Janeiro

Today was a great day filled with adventure and fun. We went to many exciting places. To start with, we went to a mural created by #kobra. This is the largest mural in the world and has different faces representing the faces of all the world continents. It was extremely empowering and inspiring to see the continents side by side and to know that we are people coming from many of the different corners of the world.

The next activity of the day was to explore the museum of the future overlooking the pier. This museum looked into the relationships of humans with the world, how we have had an impact on the earth and each other, and what our actions might cause for the future of the planet. Each of us plays a role on a small and large scale and our actions such as food and water consumption, energy use, trash accumulation, how we use the land, and transportation can add up to be enormous problems for the future of our large home.

We then walked to an area with shops for lunch and after went to the Maracaná stadium which has held many world cups, the Olympic team games in 2016, and concerts and other events. This was a really incredible opportunity because so many people in our group play soccer and love the sport and their countries team.

The final event of the day, and the most extraordinary, was going to pąo do asucar. This combination of natural and man made wonder was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever had the chance to witness.

Overlooking the entire city of Rio de Janeiro is a giant rock with a lookout point on the top and some paths leading around other points on the island. Because Rio is located in the valleys of hills and on the coast line with small islands surrounding, the view is incredibly stunning. Seeing the magnitude of the city from that point is something I'll never forget.


Hoy teníamos un día increíble con aventura. Fuimos a lugares fabuloso. A empezar, fuimos a una pintura creó de #kobra. Este mural es el más grande en el mundo y tiene caras de los continentes del mundo. Yo tenía mucho inspiración porque yo pude ver muchos personas de muchos países juntos aprendiendo sobre la cultura de los otros países en un lugar nuevo.

El próximo actividad del día fue a explorar el museo del futuro. En este museo, aprendimos sobre la relación de los humanos con el mundo, como cada uno tiene un impacto positivo y negativo en el mundo y las otras personas, y como los acciones pueden ser para la futura del mundo. Tenemos un impacto en la consumación de agua y comida, la basura, como usamos la tierra, y transportación pueden ser problemas enorme para la futura de nuestra casa.

Después, caminamos a algunos restaurantes para almorzar y fuimos al estadio Maracaná que tenía muchos eventos, por ejemplo el cupo del mundo, conciertos, y juegos del fútbol en los Olímpicos. Este oportunidad estaba increíble porque tenemos   muchos personas entre nuestro grupo que les gustan fútbol y los equipos de sus países

El último evento del día, y lo más increíble, estaba cuando fuimos a pão de açucar. Este combinación de naturaleza y los humanos creaba mágico y estaba uno de los cosas más bonitas que vi en mí vida.

~ Theresa


Höy despues del desayuno fuimos todos juntos a la playa. 8 personas hicieron las clase de surf. Despues fuimos al Hotel, algunls se quedaron ach para or al a pileta. Los otros fuimos de vuelta a la playa, .Fuimos a la que esta eyrente del hotel.Nosotros cements en el mismo lugar como ayer.

Today after the breakfast we went all together to the beach. 8 people were having surf classes. After that we went to the hotel, some were staying there but the other went to the beach which was close. Then we went for dinner in the same place like yesterday .

Selina y muriel